Divine Creations
Abundance & Prosperity Blueprint
Re-Connect with your Heart to receive clarity on ur Creations
Break through conscious and unconscious limiting beliefs, Fears and Patterns around Business, Money and Success
Get crystal clear on your mission and offerings through honesty and authenticity
Identify the tools and channels to Activate Abundance streams to support the New Expanded Goals
Receive Clear Blueprint and Next Steps to Action for u to Anchor the Mission into this Physical Reality Now!

Business Fundamentals
Blossom into Your Highest Potential
Release, Rebuild and Expand ur unique Abundance & Prosperity Container
Infuse ur container with ur blessings, gifts and success
Create ur unique Brand and Abundance Blueprint
Step-by-Step Guidance on content creation, community building, Website Creation, Marketing and Sales strategies
Learn how to scale your Products and Services with Ease
Become the Leader you are with Trust and Confidence
Unleash ur New Creations for the world to receive

Ongoing Support
Choose 1 or 3 or 6 sessions
Assist in releasing limiting Beliefs Patterns and Fears
Manage Goal Strategy: set and track Business Goals
Demystify any Business process
Breakthrough any Technical Barriers
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