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I super excited and honored to embark on this journey to assist beautiful souls and communities who have the highest good for humanity in their mind and heart.I bring a wholistic approach for Conscious Leaders and Heart-based Entrepreneurs. This involves our mind (ability to see the limitless potential without boxing ourselves with conscious and unconscious limiting beliefs , societal programming and perceptions), Heart (coming from a place of love and compassion while releasing traumas and emotions that does not serve us without any judgement) and the physical tools and skills needed to thrive in today's physical reality. All in coherence ,working together creating products/services that has a positive and long lasting impact on humanity. I help in breaking down any and all limitations, internal or external, technical or lack of experience to give the mental, emotional and financial freedom to do things you love and to thrive in abundance while creating huge impact across the world. 


My deepest gratitude to my family, friends, my mentors and healers who supported me and been by my side throughout this journey.


if you are still with me....little bit more on my personal journey
              There has always been a curious spiritual side to me, but my real journey inwards started in 2020. Like many i went thro a dark night of the soul. I ran into an accident and lost my car, lost my job, got my heart broken and much more that brought me to full surrender of everything i knew about myself and my world as i know until that point. I was feeling hopeless about my life and started to feel a sense of loneliness I have always been blessed to be surrounded with ppl i loved and who loved me and supported me with my choices and journey but it didn't matter at that time.

              Now looking back, i see this as a blessing ini disguise as this was a huge awakening point of my life. This is when i truly stepped up and started walking my spiritual path.I had several phases of denial, resistance, fear , insecurities, blame, my inner critic saying not so nice things about myself but kept peeling those layers without judgement and walking forward. This is also when i took my power back, trusted in my journey (not from a place of ego). I learnt a lot about myself, root causes for the patterns in my life, the energies, frequency, affirmations and tools to rewrite any situation and live thro our Higher Selves and be the creator of ur own life. I decided to chose the spiritual expansion thro love and joy rather contrast. This is when things truly started shifting, it made it easy to see thro my belief, patterns , loops and dissolve it much faster. I also started seeing my gifts, blessings and appreciated it even more. Since 2022, i have truly started seeing this internal work reflect in my physical reality. I went from surviving to thriving.

             I am working in the Tech world building and driving products for almost a decade now for companies like Expedia, Amazon, Meta, etc...I love and enjoy what i do.  But as i started getting more conscious awareness of my own life and others around me, i observed so many beautiful leaders, healers are doing huge impactful work in helping humanity with their products and services that includes solving for big problems such as mental illness, trauma related stress, cancer and more.. There is this deep desire to show up to make that big impact on humanity but weren't able to fully step into this role. There are several layers to unpack here, but the struggle is real. To name a few, not knowing if they can even survive let alone thrive doing what they love, many are clueless on how to reach to help more people or run a successful business or there is deeper emotions such as fear and cultural/societal limitations or unable to see their own potential and have confidence/clarity in their creations and so on.


 My mission here to bridge the gap where it is needed, provide the right tools needed to anchor your creations enabling multiple abundance streams, thus bringing abundance and prosperity and joy positively impacting through your creations in every area of ur life and others for the highest good of humanity. We need every one of you and every one of ur creation matters.I have learnt several techniques and tools that I am ready to share with the world.


            I super excited to embark on this journey to assist beautiful souls and communities who have the highest good for humanity in their mind and heart. I help in smashing down any and all Limitations, internal or external, technical or lack of experience in order to give the mental, emotional and financial freedom to do things you love and to thrive in abundance while creating huge impact across the world. My deepest gratitude to my family, friends, my mentors and healers who supported me and been by my side throughout this journey.


             I am truly excited and honored for this opportunity to bring a wholistic approach for Conscious Leaders and Heart-based Entrepreneurs. This involves our mind (ability to see the limitless potential without boxing ourselves with conscious and unconscious limiting beliefs , societal programming and perceptions), Heart (coming from a place of love and compassion while releasing traumas and emotions that does not serve us) and the physical tools and skills needed to thrive in today's physical reality, all together in coherence creating products/services that has a positive and long lasting impact on humanity.
              There has always been a spiritual side to me, but my real journey inwards started in 2020. Like many i went thro a dark night of the soul. I ran into an accident and lost my car, lost my job, got my heart broken and much more that brought me to full surrender of everything i knew about myself and my world as i know until that point. I was feeling hopeless about my life at this point and started to feel a sense of loneliness I have always been blessed to be surrounded with ppl i loved and who loved me and supported me with my choices and journey but it didn't matter at that time.

              Now looking back, i see this as a blessing ini disguise as this is a huge awakening point of my life. This is when i truly stepped up and started walking my spiritual path.I had several phases of denial, resistance, fear , insecurities, blame, my inner critic saying not so nice things about myself but kept peeling those layers without judgement and walking forward. This is also when i took my power back, trusted in my journey (not from a place of ego). I learnt a lot about myself, root causes for the patterns in my life, the energies, frequency, affirmations and tools to rewrite any situation and live thro our Higher Selves and be the creator of ur own life. I decided to chose the spiritual expansion thro love and joy rather contrast. This is when things truly started shifting, it made it easy to see thro my belief, patterns , loops and dissolve it much faster. I also started seeing my gifts, blessings and appreciated it even more. Since 2022, i have truly started seeing this internal work reflect in my physical reality. I went from surviving to thriving.

             I am working in the Tech world building and driving products for almost a decade now for companies like Expedia, Amazon, Meta, etc...I love and enjoy what i do.  But as i started getting more conscious awareness of my own life and others around me, i observed so many beautiful leaders, healers are doing huge impactful work in helping humanity with their products and services that includes solving for big problems such as mental illness, trauma related stress, cancer and more.. There is this deep desire to show up to make that big impact on humanity but weren't able to fully step into this role. There are several layers to unpack here, but the struggle is real. To name a few, not knowing if they can even survive let alone thrive doing what they love, many are clueless on how to reach to help more people or run a successful business or there is deeper emotions such as fear and cultural/societal limitations or unable to see their own potential and have confidence/clarity in their creations.

             My mission here to bridge the gap where it is needed, provide the right tools needed to anchor these creations enabling multiple abundance streams, thus bringing abundance and prosperity and joy positively impacting through your creations in every area of ur life and others for the highest good of humanity. We need every one of you! I see all creations scared and every one of ur creation matters.that is stopping from reaching the wider world in a huge way.

My deepest gratitude to my family, friends, my mentors and healers who supported me and been by my side throughout this journey. I have learnt several techniques and tools that I am ready to share with the world. I super excited to embark on this journey to assist beautiful souls and communities who have the highest good for humanity in their mind and heart. I help in smashing down any and all Limitations, internal or external, technical or lack of experience in order to give the mental, emotional and financial freedom to do things you love and to thrive in abundance while creating huge impact across the world.

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